It took awhile before I got the much awaited time to write the 2nd part of the Survival kit.I've been busy lately, that's why.Anyway, the list of the Survival kit continues and the next in line are the...
Rubber bands are elastic and so must we!Oftentimes, when we get accustomed to what we typically do,we find it really hard to adopt to changes. Have you been in a situation where you have carefully planned for an activity upto the smallest detail only to find yourslef confronted with sudden change of plan? There are instances beyond our control, so always carry with you this tool: RUBBER BAND.
What do you think is the relevance of candy to the Survival Kit? Candies are sweet right? Are they as sweet as you? Hmmm.... There are so many rude people out there. People who always criticize. People who are fond of finding fault in others. Why is it really so easy to criticize and yet so hard to give affirmation? When was the last time you affirmed somebody for a job well done? When was the last time you gave somebody a hug or a tap on the shoulder? Hey, people needs to be affirmed.. be generous in giving're not selfish, are you?
Amidst our busy schedule, we must always find time to take a break and have our cup of tea. Why tea?? Because studies shows that tea is composed of ingredients that is believed to help people rejuvenate. So the next time stress knocks in - remember to have your tea.